Now don't get me wrong - I really do like winter and snow better than summer and humidity. But I sure wish the sidewalks would clear themselves. I do like walking in the cold - put on my hat, gloves, and jacket and I did a 6-mile walk a couple of weeks ago when the outside temp was 18. The best part of it was walking in the front door and smelling the coffee Rob had just made! I've been walking on the treadmills at the fitness center, but it's just not the same. I can't wait unti the snow melts and I can walk outside again!
I've also found a good cross-training activity. My friend Deb introduced me to Group Power at the fitness center we both go to. I tried it out tonight - I may be pretty sore in the morning, but it was a good workout and I'm going to try and do it twice a week. Good for large muscle groups and core. After the workout I had choir practice so got a protein smoothie - that was good!
I have business cards made up with information on them on how to donate to my walk - and have started handing them out. We'll see how much activity I get. I have awhile, but it's never too early to start and I do have $2300 to raise!
It's late - and I'm tired after the workout! Off to bed for me.
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