Wednesday, May 25, 2011


It' close.  I'm excited, and nervous.  I have plenty to do - I'll be working with the band director at Kaitlyn's school.  She's the sweetest lady and really cares about the kids.  But she's totally computer illiterate - her words - so I told her she could teach music and I'd take care of the computer for her.  There's a lot going on at the school this summer, they have a DCI (Drum Corps International) show coming to the district stadium in July, there's a lot of work to prepare for that.  Then getting ready for band camp starting in July.  And they're taking a trip next year in March, destination to be announced.  She needs a trip manager and I'm it.  I've run enough ski trips and helped with junior high mission trips, I think I can handle it.  I'm looking forward to it. 
But retirement - that's another story.  I guess if you say it's not working anymore, then I'm not ready for it.  So I'll fill my time with working at Kaitlyn's school and working out at the Royals.  And walking - a lot!  NOT looking forward to walking in the heat and humidity, but it's gotta get done.  I am looking forward to the long walks though.  And I can get them done in the morning, when it's cooler.  I like mornings - and I'll have lots of peaceful morning walks.  Also looking forward to having time to do cross-training like I should.  My gym has a great pool (2 indoor and 1 outdoor in fact) and I'm looking forward to some water aerobics and swimming on cross-training days.
So yes - "retirement" here I come, ready or not!

My retirement party at Blue Cross is Thursday the 26th from noon to 2 - come on down if you like!  It'll be a big party, there's three of us retiring at the same time!

Later ----

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