It's been awhile again, I don't mean to not update, there's just a lot going on.
And there has been a lot going on since my last post. Kaitlyn went to Guatemala on her youth group mission trip with 24 other 11th and 12th graders and 6 sponsors. They had a fantastic time - she wants to go back! They worked on a couple of rebuilding projects, did a vacation bible school for some of the kids, and played with other kids. According to her pictures, the kids (the little and the big kids!) had a blast. Lots of smiles all around.
While Kaitlyn was in Guatemala, her grandfather (Rob's dad) came home from the hospital under hospice care. While she was on her way back, he passed away. While it was not unexpected, it's still a loss. Also - the Wednesday before that, Rob's brother-in-law Steve (his sister Melanie's husband) suffered a sudden cardiac arrest at home. Fortunately, Melanie is a nurse and was right by his side when it happened. She started CPR and called 911 right away, paramedics had to administer 5 shocks to get him going again but were successful. He spent a few days in ICU undergoing hyperthermal (I think) therapy - they cooled him down to about 90 degrees to let him rest and heal. He did just fine and after surgery to implant an internal defibrillator, he's now home resting. Really scary!
And yes, it's been HOT here! Last Wednesday I woke up to a cooler morning and instead of going to the gym to do my water aerobics, I decided I had to head out for a walk and put in a 7-1/2 mile walk! This weekend I'm really busy with activities up at school - the band is sponsoring a DCI (Drum Corps International) show on Monday so we're wrapped up getting everything in place. Bryan Busby is directing the national anthem before the show with kids playing from all four Olathe high schools. Should be great! It will also be hot, but I'm working in the VIP area - where it's air conditioned! I will also be taking pictures from up in the skybox - should be a fun time! The kids are really looking forward to it and watching the DCI shows. There are nine DCI corps performing - should be a fantastic evening! But I digress - since it will be hard to get walking in this weekend, I need to get a couple of long walks in next week. It'll probably be Wednesday (Kaitlyn gets her wisdom teeth out on Tuesday, fun times!) and I'll have to get up EARLY and head out to get a walk in. Plenty of water/gatorade and not be in a hurry and I should be fine.
Saw "Guys and Dolls" out at Starlight last night. It was hot, but I've been out there when it's been worse. There was a bit of a breeze occasionally, but the a/c in the car felt good on the way home! The show was great - I really like going out to Starlight. They're announcing next year's lineup and so far all three shows they've announced are new ones - haven't even heard of two of them. I hope a couple of the others are oldies but goodies!
Fund raising - drum roll please - I only have $260 to go to meet my $2300 fundraising goal! It's so exciting to have the support of friends and family! Some fantastic friends of mine, Christi and Tama, have made a t-shirt quilt made up of t-shirts from the Race for the Cure for the last 9 years. It's a beautiful quilt, these ladies are wonderful. We are raffling off the quilt for $5 a ticket, 6 for $25. If you happen to be interested in buying a ticket, let me know! I owe these ladies so much and can't thank them enough for the work they've put into it. The quilt is pictured above - it's so beautiful. I'll be selling tickets through August - drawing is on August 31st. After I hit my fundraising goal, proceeds will go to my travel fund. My sister and I are going out to DC a few days early to do some sightseeing since neither of us have been to DC before. We'll also have fun spending some quality time together - something we haven't done for awhile. We've both been working to raise money for the fundraising and travel funds - we're looking forward to some good memories!
That's enough for today - stay cool!!