Sunday, July 24, 2011


Not a lot to report except - it's STILL HOT!  I did get a 12-mile walk in at the Great Mall yesterday (BORING!!) and will try to put some miles in a little later.  Got a strange red rash on my leg - had a rash yesterday after walking the mall, then after working the Royals it became a bright red.  Hmmm...been putting cortisone ointment on it, may involve a trip to the dr!  I have been keeping up with cross-training and getting outside to walk when I can but it hasn't been easy.  The Boston 3-day was this weekend - the first day was cancelled and the second day was cut short due to the heat there.  I have a friend who is helping out with the crew in the Boston 3-day - Keith Flanders.  He's walking in the DC 3-day and we've been corresponding.  He lives in the DC area and walked the DC 3-day last year - I can't wait to meet him when we go to DC!  If anyone would like to see his website and donate a little to his cause - it's if you'd like to support him.  His slogan is he "Fights Like a Girl"! 

Speaking of fundraising - drumroll please - with HUGE thanks to Christi Koelzer and Tama Putthoff for making the most amazing t-shirt quilt - I've reached my $2300 donations needed to walk in the walk!  I've been selling raffle tickets for the quilt pictured in my last update - and have enough now to send in and meet my goal.  The money now raised will help pay travel expenses, then after that's done (and my sis and I are well on our way to having them taken care of!) the money will go to my fundraising account at Komen!  I am SO EXCITED to be able to share this news!  If you'd like to buy a raffle ticket for the quilt let me know!

Family updates - Kaitlyn had her wisdom teeth pulled out last Tuesday.  She was hurting for a couple of days but is doing well.  She's been able to eat McDonald's hamburgers but not the fries so far.  She's begged off playing her saxophone - I think I'll let her get away with it for another day or two...!

Well - time to clean the kitchen (I couldn't talk Retro into doing it for me...) and off for a walk. 

Later friends!!


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