A lot has happened the last couple of weeks! I got behind in training again thanks to a fairly mild case of bronchitis - but bronchitis nevertheless. Then it got hot again (skycast is orange today and I think tomorrow, not walking outside with that!). But I have been busy at school! The marching band is sounding great! Sometimes I walk around the track while they're practicing in the morning. This weekend should be good for walking.
Ah, the quilt raffle. The beautiful quilt that my friends Christi and Tama made for me was raffled off - Christi and I did the drawing today. And the winner is........(drum roll please).......Victoria Becker. Victoria works at Blue Cross, and from what I understand is having her own battle with breast cancer. Victoria - wrap the quilt around you and feel the love from the hands that made the quilt and the friends that supported me! I'll most certainly be walking for you also. Victoria works in the building across the street from the main building, and happened to be in the support area and just happened to have money with her to buy a raffle ticket for the quilt. She was supposed to win it! I'm so glad she did.
I have a friend, Keith Flanders, who lives in DC and participated in the walk last year. He's walking again, and has also worked on the crew for the Boston walk. We've been talking, and are looking forward to meeting each other. He's "adopting" my sister and I for our stay in DC - it'll be nice to have a friend who knows the area! He really has a heart for the 3-day walk and I get energized just talking with him. He's someone else God has put in my corner!
I leave in three short weeks. I need to start my packing list! I'm getting very excited. The last year has been so awesome, and I have lots of people to thank for it - but most of all, I thank God I'm able to undertake this task. God bless all!!
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