Friday, September 16, 2011

Almost there!!!

It's been awhile - I've been busy!  The band directors keep me on my toes - and I really love working with them.  However, I have more important news to share today....

I LEAVE FOR DC TOMORROW!!  I've been really happy all week - now I'm getting nervous!  I'm glad the kids have a football game tonight so I have something to keep my mind off of it for awhile.  I'm pretty much packed, except for the last minute things.  I had to look for clothes this morning - everything's packed!  I've printed out my credentials, have to remember to get them off the printer.  Last minute things are going in the backpack.  I'm taking my good camera, but I had to buy a new "little" camera.  My old one died - kind of a blessing in disguise!  It was big for a "little" camera.  The new one is nice.  I've played with it some, it should be good for the walk. 

I have a friend in DC that I met through the 3-day web site and he and his girlfriend are as excited that my sister and I are coming to DC as we are.  He did the 3-day walk last year and is walking again this year.  He also worked on the crew in Boston this year, so has been giving both my sister and I good hints and tips.  He lives in DC and can't wait to show his town off.  I can't wait to meet him!  It's good to have a friend already there!

My fundraising goal has been surpassed - I raised over $2600 for breast cancer.  YEA!  A small drop in the bucket, I know, but a lot of drops eventually fill the bucket.  My treatment alone (surgery and radiation treatments) were well over $10,000, of which insurance picked up almost all of the discounted amounts. I consider myself very lucky to have the coverage I have.  Others aren't, and they're why I'm raising funds - for that and for research.  Thanks to all.

Speaking of thanks, I have a LOT of thanks to give out.  To my former co-workers at Blue Cross, who stood by me and held me up throughout my treatments and on my walking journey - my most heartfelt thanks.  You made me realize why God gave us friends on this earth.  I am so blessed to have you on my side!  To my church friends - you have supported me through everything and I thank you.  To my medical staff - you not only healed me, you've supported me on my journey and that means a lot to me.  And last but certainly not least - my family.  You were the ones I cried with, laughed with, walked with, and just were with.  You have allowed me to take on this journey and supported me with no reservations.  I now leave you for several days - to spend some much-needed time with my sister and to walk almost 60 miles for something affecting all of us. 

I will come back with memories and LOTS of pictures.  I can't wait to get there and get started!

Thank you ALL for your thoughts, prayers, and support as I continue this journey, thankful that I am able to.


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