Thursday, April 21, 2011

WHEW! Safe for now!

Saw the knee dr. this morning.  Not all bad news.  I do have a lot of arthritis in the left knee - it'll be due for a knee replacement sometime in the future.  He said because of that, a scope wouldn't do much.  But he did give me a cortisone shot in the knee (minor ouch!) and gave me encouragement to keep walking.  He said if the shot didn't work or it gets worse over the summer he can do "liquid cartilege" injections which would probably do the trick until the walk is over.  He said since I'd been walking with no problems, I should be good to go. 

And along with that - I need to start my fundraising!  Nothing like seeing that fund go up to give me some encouragement!  SO..if you're so inclined - go to, click on "Donate to a Participant", and enter Stephanie Goddard in the name fields.  You'll see my name at the bottom of the page - you can donate directly there by clicking on "donate now" or click on my name to go to my page and print out a donation form (at the bottom of the page). 

I have a jar here at home - it's collecting spare change, tip money from working at the Royals and Sprint Center, and various other assorted money I run into.  It's my travel fund - I'm planning on going several days early and enjoying the fall DC weather before the walk, and take in a few sights.  So since I have this jar going, everything you give will go directly to the Komen foundation for their fight against cancer.

The exciting part is that my sister will be in DC with me - she will be a part of the support crew.  I am SO looking forward to celebrating my birtday in the middle of the walk! 

Thanks for going with me!!!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

One step forward, three steps back......ouch!

I jokingly say that knees are not one of God's better inventions.  For real. 
Last Saturday I walked three miles in the wind and sun - felt good when I turned around and the wind was at my back!  I did disappoint Retro, though.  He was crying when I left for my walk without him - beagle cries are awful!
My "official" training schedule started on Monday - which was a rest day.  Tuesday I walked three miles on my lunch break at work - walked from Crown Center to Sprint Center and wound my way back for three.  Wednesday was supposed to be a rest day, but I decided to walk to church for choir practice - only a  mile so no big deal.  Again, Retro was howling since I didn't take him with me (how does that dog always know when I'm going for a walk without him??).  Got to church, got a drink, went to the choir room and sat down in a chair.  OUCH!  Left knee screamed in pain.  I tried to straighten it out - no dice.  I found I could walk on it without pain as long as I didn't straighten it out. 
Well - this has kind of happened before - knee would lock.  So, got home and applied heat.  Again - no dice.  Still can't straighten it.  Take some Motrin, go to bed.  Several times during the night, woke up in pain when I turned and tried to stretch the leg.  Go to urgent care, probable torn cartilege.  They braced it and gave me prescription-strength Aleve with instructions to take twice a day.  And call the ortho.  Ouch.
So it's a little better now, but still can't straighten it all the way.  I have an appointment with my friendly orthopedic doctor, Dan, for Thursday.  Urgent care said it's probably a tear, and has probably been there for awhile, I've probably just torn it more. 
So much for training schedule.  I'm still determined.  When I see the doctor, I'm gonna push to have it fixed.  I can't afford to have this happen a week before the walk!  Hopefully it's an easy scope and I can get back to the training schedule.  Fortunately, I was up to where I could do a six-mile walk no problem so I should be able to get back to the schedule fairly quickly.  I gotta look at it that way!!!!!
In other news - Kaitlyn has a job and likes it.  She's a hostess at Houlihan's on 119th St.  We were supposed to go to K-State for an open house today, but decided last night not to go.  We're going there on Monday anyway for Junior Day - and she has to work tonight and tomorrow morning.  Makes life easier on all - and saves a tank of gas!
And the Royals are doing well!  I worked the game last night (I think the cold air helped my knee!) and they won 6-2.  Heard the fireworks as I was walking to my car.
Have a great week, all!  And prayers for my knee would be appreciated.  They are NOT one of God's better inventions!

Love to all,

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Gettin' Ready Now!

OK - I've not been too good at updating so far, have I?  Well, it's about time I did.  Next week starts my "official" training schedule, so I better get with it.  I've still been walking, and can still do a 6-mile walk, but now HAVE to get my feet in gear!  It's gonna be fun trying to get everything in, but with a lot of support and help, I'll get it done!  It's nice having Rob home now - he keeps things going on the home front while I walk and work and work.  I still plan on doing as much of the Royals and Sprint as I can - for two reasons.  One, I like doing it, it's fun for me.  Two, it's a great way to make money for Kaitlyn's band trip, mission trip, and all that other stuff she does.  The people I work with are great and we have a lot of fun.
SO - it's off to walk I go.  Since I'm working at Sprint tonight, I'll do a 3-mile walk today.  Gotta head out, it's gonna get warm today!  THAT I don't look forward to - walking in the heat and humidity.  Oh, well - drink plenty of water, take it easy, and I'll be ok!!
OH - and since my "official" training plan starts next week, my fund-raising will kick into higher gear.  I have $2300 to raise between now and the walk.  Please consider helping me out!  Go to, click on "Donate to a Participant", enter Stephanie Goddard and you'll be able to help me out!  I also have to raise my travel funds, that's being done by spare change and my tip money from Sprint and Royals (another reason to work!).  Thanks for being there for me...!!!!